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How to Re-Invent Yourself During A Crisis:

Writer's picture: Sarah BeniceSarah Benice

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

“To change the world around us, we need to change ourselves first” - Santosh Joshi

Someone recently said that we can't come out this with the same person we were before lockdown.

We may be living through very strange times in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic but we have also been presented with a great opportunity to change what wasn’t working to finally start working on that thing we always had on the back burner but never had the time to attend it.

Yes, that one you keep wishing one day…..!

There has never been a better time to start like now. I will explain….!

New Begginings
Ground Zero

There is not a person on the planet who has not had their lives disrupted to some level. This means that the ground has been levelled. Chances are, our way of doing things will also change.

Currently, there are unprecedented changes to our society and the environment, both personally and professionally, with cities in lockdown, children studying at home and remote working becoming the norm for many.

It is only natural to feel some fear and stress during this time of “upheaval”. But, what if we were to flip the situation around and look through the lens of opportunity?!

“The highest light penetrates into the darkest places” - Doniel Katz

We’ve all heard of that saying - the challenge is the opportunity. Well, this is it. The man/woman who sees the opportunity that we have been presented with will come out of this lockdown transformed.

There's no running away from our dreams or fears.

But where do I start ( I hear you ask)......

Well, it all starts with a decision. Once you make that decision, which carries like 80% of what is required, the rest is just moving pieces. Power of the mind.

  • Choose it - It always starts with a decision

  • Believe it - Your actions and drive will be determined by how much you believe.

  • See it - Be like an architecture. See it in detail.

  • Become it - When you believe and see, the next logical step is to become.

Here are my few top tips that perhaps can come handy during the process of re-invention:

1. See Things As They Are. Not Worse Than They Are.

Often before we take action, especially in times of high-stress, we need to pause and reflect on where we are at and how we feel about being there.

Be True To Yourself. Self Assessment!

Recognizing the thoughts and emotions going around in your head will help you to work out the best next steps for you. Make time to tune in and explore the messages that you can hear.

I have found that journaling can be a great way of unravelling what is going on for you inside. When journaling, you will get the best results by writing a stream of consciousness and simply capturing whatever comes to mind. Even just ten or fifteen minutes a day will give great benefits. Especially first thing in the morning.

Once you’ve identified the ideas and thoughts that are coming up for you, you can use these to move into action.

This process by itself gives that thought the energy it needs to start attracting other similar thoughts to support its growth.

2. Create A New Normal

When a crisis hits, the first thing that disappears is the daily routine. In my previous blog, I touched on how we are creatures of habit. We also need structure if we’re to thrive.

Establish a new normal that you’re comfortable and happy with. Trust me you’ll look forward to each day knowing that you’re in control of your day, not the other way round.

This is a great opportunity for us to revisit our sense of “normal” and what parts of our old life we want to keep and what parts we can release as they are no longer serving us.

We may struggle with the restrictions on seeing our friends and family, or the limitations on our movement, but there are positive impacts from lockdown too.

A great time to disconnect from the outside world and connect to who you really are. There’s never been a time like this.

Perhaps you have been shopping more from your local farm or store, spending more quality time with your family as your work becomes more flexible from home.

Maybe you love the sense of community that comes with looking out for your neighbours as you get to know them.

By taking a moment to reflect on what you are grateful for about the current crisis, you can make a conscious decision about what to take forward into your new normal as well as how you want your future work-life to look like.

3. Take Care of Your Mental Health

There has never been a more important time to take care of our mental health. Self-care has to become a critical part of our daily routine.

Take Care Of Your Most Important Asset. The Mind!

4. Tap Into Your Skills

If you have a skill(s) that has been unused BQ (Before Quarantine), now is the time to bring them out and see how it can be utilised.

If you have more than one skill, you'd be surprised what you could create if you married them.

5. Time To Build Collaborations

Connecting online has never been easier. Since lockdown, online tools have been utilised more to bring colleagues working on the same project together.

Try and find other people that possess skills that you don’t have to build collaborations with. How can you help each other? Better still if you join your skills to create something uniquely you.

By creating strong relationships with others during this time, you will be in a great position to best serve your community and beyond both during and after the crisis.

6. Go to Work Every Day

“Challenge yourself every day to do better and better. Remember growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances” - Robert Tew

Show up and do the work on yourself every day and then baby steps in the desired direction. Also everyday.

Yes, there will be tough days and these are the ones where you need to show up the most.

These times of crisis are calling us to reflect inside for introspection. To address any shadow parts of ourselves and learn how to better show up in love and peace. The world needs that skill you have. Time to share it….!

As you grow, apply what you are learning and use it to review what else you need to experience. If you do that, you are certain to come out of this crisis with a renewed sense of self and purpose.

Happy New You!

Stay Home. Stay Creative.

Lots of Love


(Please feel free to share your tips or skill. You never know who might be seeking for that skill you have)

Also, If you haven't done so already, check out the previous two blogs Change and Fear. They're a build-up to this.

Thank you so much for being a part of this community.

Sarah Benice is a Digital Marketer and author of Alchemy Of Happiness book which can be found on Amazon



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